Winkler is a top quality and detail-oriented painting firm... you should choose Winkler if you want exceptional results.

Kitchen Cabinet Painting Completed in Alexandria, VA

We applied a fresh, new coat of paint for a client’s kitchen cabinets in Alexandria, VA. Cabinet painting can provide your home with an updated look. For interior work needed for your home or business, contact Winkler Painting today! Mention our Winter Discount for 10% off on interior labor.

Exceptional Results for an Interior Job in Alexandria, VA

Check out these exceptional results for an interior job that we completed in Alexandria, VA! Don’t forget about our 10% off interior labor special this Winter, available until February. Request an estimate from Winkler Painting soon via the contact form here!
Accurate Estimates, Exceptional Results

Our Limited Time Winter Discount on Interior Work is Here!

Winkler Painting is offering a limited time Winter discount! Get 10% off on labor. This special offer is valid until February 29, 2024! Whether you need painting or repair work, our crew is ready to deliver top quality work. To learn more about this special or for an estimate on your needed work, please give us a call at (703) 836-4432 or fill out our contact form.

Need Interior Work Completed Before the Holidays?

Have interior work to complete before the holidays? Our painting crew is ready to take on the job! Along with our knowledge and experience in painting, we also specialize in restoration plaster repair and drywall. Our focus is on the highest quality workmanship with a dedication to customer satisfaction! For your painting and restoration needs, contact Winkler Painting soon.

Powerwashing Exterior Before Painting in Alexandria, VA

Did you know that exterior surfaces with old paint must first be power washed to remove dirt, mildew and algae? This step prepares the surface and ensures that the new paint will stick. The Winkler Painting crew is thorough and attentive. We will deliver a quality and long-lasting painting result! Fill out our contact form to begin talking to us about your future painting and repair work.

Plaster Repair and Painting Completed in Alexandria, VA

“The Winkler Painting team is great. They were very professional, the work came in right at the estimate they gave us, and they did a really good job with the work itself. They seemed to care an awful lot about whether we were pleased and that the new plaster matched the old plaster perfectly. We are very happy with them and will use them again in the near future.”
– Tina A. in Alexandria, VA
Choose Winkler Painting for exceptional results with a focus on customer satisfaction! Request an estimate on your interior or exterior painting and repair work via our contact form.