Take a tour through the work being done to restore the beauty and craftsmanship to this great and historic home in Old Town Alexandria. From the outside portico to the inside trim, the attention to detail give this beautiful home the stately appearance she deserves.
Richard Winkler Painting specializes in high quality interior and exterior work, in the Old Town Alexandria, Virginia area.
The key to achieving a high quality, long lasting paint job, both on interior and exterior work, is in the preparation. Richard Winkler Painting exerts the greatest effort in restoration: scraping, heavy and fine sanding, repair of imperfections in plaster and drywall, removal of heavy paint buildup from problem areas (such buildup often causes alligator scaling and peeling), restoration of window glazing and caulking.
With a highly trained full time staff of skilled craftsmen, you can rest assured that we can handle any size job, with the utmost attention to detail. From the set-up to the clean-up, you will feel confident knowing that every detail will be attended to.